Thursday, April 28, 2005

overdoing makeovers

for the past week or so, i have been busy trying to improve the look of this blog. adding pictures and learning how to link my other web-related sites to this page. i must say that i think it looks better now than it did the first time i created it.

i wanted to create a website, actually, but found out that it was more difficult to do that without better training. sure, i've tried doing it with yahoo! and its geocities capability, but i wanted more than ordinary templates. i remember going into all these sites where freebies are offered, all to help make your website look cool like animated javascript buttons, for example. it was then that i learned about webhosting and how to use notepad to create a webpage, and how to publish that page--stuff that made me more excited in creating my own cool website.

of course i never got near creating a "cool" website. so i guess this blog spot can make do for the mean time. with its own "sign my guestbook" and "web counter" it should feel like my very own website. I'm still thinking of more ways to improve this page; still thinkiering with its coded html (which i understand in my own way--a mix of logic and guts, that is) to see where i can paste copied codes from other sites. hopefully, by the time i move on to another past time, i would've made this as close to a personal website as i can have...


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