Friday, June 24, 2005

new picture

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This was recently taken by a friend of ours.  I like the shot of my baby.  The place was a taylor shop which specifically designs wedding gowns and attire.  Not ours, incidentally...not yet at least...but our friends'.  We were accompanying everyone for their final dress fitting.  Nice day!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

VXI Workforce Pips

VXI Workforce Pips
Originally uploaded by archonmla.

it is rare that i join team buildings. last sunday our workforce management team went on one and, since i was a memeber of the team, i was "invited" by my manager.

despite the bad choice of day, (i would normally stay home on sundays), i went anyway.

tha place was owned by another member of the team, and intriguingly being used as a location for an original teledrama; it has a bean-shaped pool, and a pool table to boot. with a karaoke set for all of us, and food abundant on the poolside table, it was impossible not to enjoy ourselves.